"If you hear a voice within you say, 'You are not a painter,' then by all means paint…and that voice will be silenced."
— Vincent Van Gogh
Everybody is creative, some people just need a little nudge. Awaken your inner artist. Go forth and find your medium.
"If you hear a voice within you say, 'You are not a painter,' then by all means paint…and that voice will be silenced."
— Vincent Van Gogh
Posted by Monika at 4:56 PM
Wow! So I have been researching how to write a book and it is not an easy task. At least if you have any plans to have it published and sold it requires work. I have bought several books just to learn the process (and believe me it is a process):
The Authors Toolkit - A step-by-Step Guide to Writing and Publishing Your Book (Great resource)
How to Sell, Then Write Your Nonfiction Book (this is my plan, you do have to actually do some writing)
Telling True Stories - A Nonfiction Writer's Guide (advice from prominent journalists and nonfiction writers)
Nonfiction Book Proposals Anybody Can Write -How to Get a Contract and Advance Before Writing Your Book (like it is sooooo easy....we'll see about that)
I have also searched many Internet articles on the subject. Sit back and watch me learn.
Posted by Monika at 2:49 PM
Labels: book writing, books on writing, writing advice
This is something we all say. I have so many projects in mind aside from my blogging, reading, gardening, mothering, daughtering, and wife-ing.
Here is my short list:
*Serger reconstructing/destructing clothes (I got a serger for Xmas...Yahoo!)
*Make kaleidoscopes (I LOVE kaleidoscopes) I have some materials and great ideas
*Scan all of my old photographs and parents old photographs (this is long tedious project)
maybe I can enlist help from the kids......I can only hope.
*Learn to make stained glass projects (this can be used in kaleidoscope making, I got a whole
super duper kit with grinder, tools, glass, etc for my birthday)
*Write a memoir/biography of my grandmother's awesome love story.
*Paint my dining room...not the funnest project ever.
*Learning to take better photographs.
Today I planted, blogged, and researched articles on how to write a memoir/biography.
Posted by Monika at 12:25 PM