Wednesday, March 11, 2009

So many little time

This is something we all say. I have so many projects in mind aside from my blogging, reading, gardening, mothering, daughtering, and wife-ing.

Here is my short list:

*Serger reconstructing/destructing clothes (I got a serger for Xmas...Yahoo!)

*Make kaleidoscopes (I LOVE kaleidoscopes) I have some materials and great ideas

*Scan all of my old photographs and parents old photographs (this is long tedious project)
I can enlist help from the kids......I can only hope.

*Learn to make stained glass projects (this can be used in kaleidoscope making, I got a whole
super duper kit with grinder, tools, glass, etc for my birthday)

*Write a memoir/biography of my grandmother's awesome love story.

*Paint my dining room...not the funnest project ever.

*Learning to take better photographs.

Today I planted, blogged, and researched articles on how to write a memoir/biography.